Saturday, January 1, 2022

:: Treading on the Water ::

 :: Treading on the Water ::


I'm Treading on the


Through out my Career.

I know nothing about

                       the Future.

As I had lost my Tenure.

I rendered my unique

service for beneficiars

As they utilised it for

increase the tresure.

They failed to know the

                 it's measure.

I least bothered about

             their favour.

I lost my pleasure of


I missed my chances of


I neglected my system of


I rejected the opportunity

        of illegal Earning.

Hypocritic Society used

             me as the Ladder.

It doesn't care it's Labour.

I keep on serving for ever.

Beneficiar of this turned

                  into a cheater.

I mend my mind.

I bend my body.

I tend my soul

I grind my head to render

my service as Savvy.

Fair is Foul. Foul is Fair.

Itis revolving in Society.

I never knew it earlier.

So, enduring it's Brutality.

                      G. M. R.

Academic Resource Person.         Anekal.

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