Sunday, September 15, 2019

Knowledge Article 21: Deteriority of Humanity

Deteriority of Humanity

Previous days were
                       more joyful
As human relationship
                        was cordial
Present days are severely
As human relationships
     turned to commercial.

People then used to
        behave naturally
They had projected
      the purity & sanctity
People now communi_
- cating hypocritically
They are not caring
       the spirituality.

Yore was too pure
                   with virtue
There was rarely lure
                 with sincerity
Now we are groaning
                   with tissue
There is no any sign
                     of loyalty.

A day was there for
         genuine friendship
" A friend in need is friend indeed" had gone
Now no meaning for
                   fine friendship
Mostly friends are
    pretending with malign

When my pocket was full
   My Friends were plenty
As my pocket emptied
                     bare and nill
My Friends are becoming
                 worth of 42o.

I served nectar to meet
                   there need
They returned me the
Poison to grown up pain
I felt very sad for their
               fraud of meed
They are enjoying full
             spell their gain

I am enduring with
       a lot of treachery
As ingratitude people
    ar'n't caring humanity
They are spoiling the
          rich cultural glory
People of puritan are
           toiling for charity.

The present generation
       is ignoring the loyalty
I am praying the GOD for
their pure soul & mind
They are deteriorating
         the Humanity.
That's need of the hour
                for the Mankind.

Authored & Circulated by:
 G. M. R

Academic Resource Person

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