Sunday, September 29, 2019

The collapse of Education is the Collapse of Nation :

The collapse of Education is
the Collapse of Nation :

          Destroying any Nation does not require the use of the Atomic bombs or the long range Missiles. It requires only
lowering the Quality of Education & allowing cheating in the Examination by the students. (Efficacious & Eternal statement of the

Possibility & Impossibility of all round Development of the Nation is depending on the Quality of Education
availed in the Nation.

Qualitative, Efficacious and Effective Education is need of the hour in order to avoid the death of patients in the hands of Quack and Fake Doctors, Collapse of buildings at the hands of
Dubious Engineers, Leakage of money in the hands of dishonest Bankers. Economists &
Accountants, Humanity assassinates at the hands of pseudo Religious Scholars, Law&
Order determinates at the hands of Corrupted Police force. So, Justice
diminishes at the hands of Corrupted Judges. But
Education collapse the Nation by the Ornamental system of Education while neglecting the Efficacious Instrumental system of Education.

The present System of our Education is providing Marks Cards and Degree Certificates But not the Humanity, Quality, Gratitude, Attitude, Efficiency and Proficiency.

This dubious system of Education confines only to the process of Examinations oriented Education and Marks oriented Examinations.
So, Nobody is aware & caring the future Prosperity of our Nation.

What are We today? It is the outcome of the Education which We got in the Past.
The plight of the Future...?

With my Pranaams :
G. M. R.

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